QS Enrolment Solutions has published its UK international student survey 2019 (survey) conducted between November 2018 and March 2019 with the participation of over 75,000 students and 71 universities globally, including 23,557 prospective students considering studying in the UK. The survey concludes that problems with obtaining visas, especially after completing a course, as well as the uncertainty around Brexit are the two most important factors hindering the enrolment of students at UK universities.
• only 60% of prospective EU students are aware of the government’s guarantee of home fees status for EU students starting in the 2019/2020 academic year• clarifying post-Brexit fee structure for EU students could alleviate concerns about the financial viability of studying in the UK• tripling the post-study leave period could significantly increase the likelihood of prospective international students studying in the UK• immigration policies can grow international higher education exports through combating negative perceptions surrounding Brexit• 77% of prospective international students claim that extending the post-study leave period for the UK’s visa offer to one year would make them more likely to consider studying in the UK, amounting to £2.4bn to UK universities in first year tuition fees alone• high graduate employment rates and high rates of students going into industries relevant to their course are areas on which prospective international students tend to focus• 54% of students stated that feeling welcome as an international student is one of five important factors they consider when choosing a university• 57% of students felt that the UK was less welcoming to international students in light of Brexit• obtaining experience is the most important consideration of prospective students with regards to their future career• studying abroad is the period when prospective international students can most effectively add to their skill-set and make themselves as attractive as possible to potential employers